
Learning activity - Aquatic plants

hatThere is a considerable publication resource base of downloadable files, photos and videos on the PAPUSSA website which gives many opportunities for further learning activities - both individual assignments and also more informal group activities.   Suggest for example groups role playing activities - see examples below:  

Scenario 1 Planning meeting Phnom Penh location Town Hall office

You are a group of aquatic plant farmers (both men and women) growing morning glory in the waste water lake in Phnom Penh going to a local urban planning meeting which is discussing the fate of the lake and surrounding land. Present will be city planners, govt officials (agriculture, health, waste water engineers, etc), national and overseas NGOs and funders, property developers, market people, also members of the local community – these will be represented by people in the audience ie us + your fellow students.


For no more than 15 minutes present a case as to why you should be allowed to continue producing morning glory for your own benefits as well as for the good of the city. After this we will have an open discussion from the floor including the other students who will be asking you questions.

Scenario 2 Planning meeting- location City Hall office

You are a group of consultants hired in by a mayor and municipal authority from a south American city (population 500,000) where this no previous history of aquatic plants culture or consumption. They have a system of 3 waste water rivers/large channels which collect waste water from the city and then return it back to the local river 20 km outside the city. They have seen and heard about aquatic plants culture in SE Asia and want to know if it could be relevant for their city particularly in relation to supporting livelihoods of some of the cities lower income citizens. Present will be the mayor!!, several politicians, city planners, local government officials (agriculture, health, waste water engineers etc.), citizens already involved in urban food production – terrestrial vegetables, market people, – these will be represented by people in the audience i.e. us + your fellow students.

For no more than 15 minutes give your audience a background of ww aquatic plant culture – its benefits and constraints and why it could be applicable for their city. After this we will have an open discussion from the floor where the other students will be asking you questions.

For each group : When planning what you are going to say and what you will present:

Spend first 15 min. reading through available material - try to list out main points you wish to develop. Delegate work between each team member – different key point areas for each? Each person in group to play a different role? Then spend 20 -30 minutes putting together what you will say and present - think about order in which you will each speak.

It is important to remember who the different members of your audience are - Perhaps you have questions, points to raise with them ?
Use your imagination! and also any of the resources available (in the room) which you think can help. Please clearly introduce yourselves when you begin.