
Recipes with edible aquatic plants

Many aquatic plants are edible and provide some of the same valuable nutrients found in leafy green vegetables like spinach. The ingredients, other than water, of aquatic plants are similar to those in plants adapted to growth on dry land. The literature contains the results of numerous analyses taken of different species growing in a range of habitats in many countries. A general criticism against the usefulness of aquatic plants is that their high water content makes them inconvenient to harvest and also unsuitable as fodder for livestock. Moreover, it is often alleged that the plants are low in useful nutrients. Therefore, a study of these various results should be interesting and helpful to those considering the utilization of aquatic plants for their own particular needs. The link below opens a comprehensive analyses of aquatic plants of an FAO study.

This site provide some links and suggestions how to prepare a variety of these plants.


(Phat) phak boong fai daeng (Thai: ผัดผักบุ้งไฟแดง): Literally it means "(fried) red fire morning-glory". The basic recipe is morning-glory (Ipomoea aquatica) stir-fried with garlic, chillies, Thai yellow bean sauce (taochiao), oyster sauce and fish sauce. For the correct taste, one needs to get the cooking flames in to the pan. This vegetable dish is extremely popular in Thailand (source: TakeawayPak boong fai daengCC BY-SA 3.0)


Edible lotus root is known for its crunchy texture and slightly sweet taste. It is a versatile vegetable and food connoisseurs across the world. The picture shows the result of an recipe dealing with slices of lotus stem, stir fry lotus root with prawns (see link below). 

WARNING: The safe consumption of aquatic plants as food is dependent on a variety of conditions, some outside your control. The overall condition of your water garden, the types of fertilizers and other chemicals may been used, the types of wildlife that visit your water garden, etc. If in doubt, cook the plant to kill bacteria and parasites that may be present. Do not eat it raw without taking proper precautions.