Learning Content
site provides learning resources which can be used by teachers or
can be downloaded by students for self-directed learning. Please
select the desired resources
via the links in the tables below. The following material and courses are currently
Generic Skills Training Materials
Developed by Aqua-tnet Workgroup 4 on generic skills development.
- Data management (approach to data collection, management and statistical analysis)
- Crafting the message (communicating your results)
- Project management (with emphasis on applying for and managing funded research projects)
Vocational Aqualabs Course
The overall aim of Vocational Aqualabs was to improve Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems in the European Aquaculture sector to ensure researchers receive continual professional development training in generic skills.
The Vocational Aqualabs consortium design, developed and piloted seven courses on generic skills in aquaculture research aimed at researchers. The seven courses were selected for development based on an extensive needs analysis (click here for the final report) carried out by the consortium. The courses include the following topic:
- Experimental design
- Aquaculture Entrepreneurship Mentorship
- Data and Statistical Management
- Scientific writing
- Project management
- Research Funding Procurement
- Networking – key for a successful career
Developed by under the Leonardo Da Vinci Vocational Aqualabs project – www.aqualabs.eu
Please note:
This material has been produced as an output of the AQUA-TNET project which has received funding support from the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme. The content reflects the views only of the author(s) and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. The work is released under a Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence, although any elements (such as graphics) that may be covered by individual copyright licenses retain that original licence. You are free to adapt this work and use it for non-commercial purposes provided you retain this notice and the terms that it provides.
Training Materials by AQUA-TNET is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Please select content from the table at the right side of this page.
We would like to thank the following contributors: AQUA-TNET & Leonardo Da Vinci Vocational Aqualabs course on Experimental Design.
If you have any questions regarding these resources, find a mistake or have ideas for improvement, please contact John Bostock (University of Stirling) or Bernd Ueberschär (BioServe)